

Richard looks at Christ’s description of judgement day as He calls all that have lived before Him and separates them into two groups, those that would serve Him and those that would have nothing to do with Him, and gives them their wish. Richard also speaks on how we are to live out the fruits of our faith should we desire to serve Christ with our lives.


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Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Richard delves into another parable as Jesus teaches on how we are to steward our talents as faithful servants. He looks into what talents are in our own lives as well as how we are to make use of them to fall into the joy of the master.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Richard continues to dive into the intricacies of Jesus’ teachings on end times, the abomination of desolation and all the associated carnage, in it we look at how we can expect it to play out but far more importantly, what we as believers should be doing, both during those times and in anticipation of them.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Richard dives into the intricacies of Jesus’ teachings on end times, the abomination of desolation and all the associated carnage, in it we look at how we can expect it to play out but far more importantly, what we as believers should be doing, both during those times and in anticipation of them.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Christ offers a stark warning over the trials that believers will face as the end times draw near and advises the disciples as well as other believers on how they should act to avoid falling prey to the enemy’s efforts to draw believers astray.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


As Jesus closes out the woe oracles He aims straight for the heart, particularly the hard ones, and while critical of their posture He continues to offer hope and love even amidst the unbelief and anger.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


In a set of scathing remarks that mark a direct opposite to the earlier beatitudes Jesus highlights the folly and danger of hypocrisy and some of the ways in which it is on display from the religious leaders of the period, it acts as a stern warning for our lives while additionally setting the stage for the pharisees plot to whip the Jewish people into a mob calling for the crucifixion of Christ.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Richard dives into an interaction that occurs between Jesus and the pharisees surrounding the topic of taxes while looking at the significance in both a historical and modern day context.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


In this sermon, Richard discusses two parables from Matthew 21 & 22, focusing on the Vineyard metaphor and the religious leaders’ rebellion against God’s authority. We are reminded how the owner’s care for the Vineyard symbolizes God’s love and protection for His people. We also see how the invitation to the wedding feast signifies God’s grace extended to all, regardless of status. We are also warned about the consequences of rejecting God’s invitation and the need for genuine repentance.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Jesus enters Jerusalem and the temple to be met by another in an escalating set of encounters with the religious leadership, this interaction centers around a tricky debate surrounding the authority by which all the involved parties, and John the Baptist, teach. Followed by a brief parable from Jesus to drive home his point.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg