

The underlying problem for the nation of Israel and for us int he church today is a general lack of fear for God. Malachi gives us a wake-up call to return to total love and devotion for God. Gods primary concern with the Nation of Israel and with the church today is not our moral behaviour but our love and worship of him. Malachi calls us to respond to a God who comes in person and in grace to purify our worship. (Malachi 2:17 – 3:5)


Tackling the question around the apparent contradiction of how the bible can say that God is loving and yet also say that he will condemn people to hell who havent put their faith in him.


Dealing with the common objection that Christianity is a bunch fo rules that limits our personal freedom. Ultimately our deepest freedom is to be found in Christ.


In the face of persistent suffering and life difficulties such as sickness singleness and all the challenges life throws at you how do you handle the fact that your situation has not changed? God seemingly doesn’t care. How does the Gospel of Grace demonstrating Gods infinite love help us and set us free to live with joy and peace when no relief is in sight? (Matthew 5:35-43)


Heroes Dare to Declare: To declare the praises of God in a hostile world you first need know who is Jesus and who are you. This takes place in a community that together displays the love of God to the world. (1 Peter 2:4-12)


(1 Peter 1:3-12)
Living without perspective steals your joy but living with a Gospel perspective brings great joy. Learning to live in a hostile world with all kinds of trials requires a gospel perspective which Peter outlines for his audience in the opening of his first letter. He orientates us in the gospel before instructing us on how to live in a hostile world. In this we can then say I greatly rejoice!


Everyday someone is walking on the road to Emmaus with shattered dreams and no hope of a future. Whatever your circumstances Jesus draws alongside walks with you and gives you a renewed hope and future. How does Jesus do this in you and how can you do the same in the lives of others? (Luke 24:13-35)


How do we develop and maintain a deep passion and devotion for Jesus? (various Psalms)


Jude gives us a set of three instructions on how to live in the love of God experience his love and attend to our hearts. (Jude)