In a final attempt from the pharisees to ensare Jesus in His words there is a debate around the Godhood of Christ which is conclusively answered when Jesus references the Psalms, Justin then continues to explore as Jesus teaches on hypocrisy and its pitfalls.
Justin leads us in understanding that being so close may be enough but in the right circumstances what seems like a small margin may be life altering. He also dives into the meaning behind Jesus’ well known teaching surrounding children being the greatest in the kingdom and how we should take that into our own lives.
In Chapter 10, Jesus sends out his disciples to drive out evil spirits and heal every disease and sickness. Justin helps us see how Jesus delegated his authority to the twelve, allowing them to share the ministry and maintain a balanced approach. This balance enables people to make their own choice to receive or reject the ministry.
We finish up chapter 5 of the book of Matthew today, still looking at the Sermon on The Mount. Justin takes a look at what Jesus says about our relationship with others. 08:00:232023-04-25 12:58:00Dawning of the Kingdom – Resurrection Sunday
Justin talks to us this week about the tension between each of the Big three for 2023, paying particular attention to the relationship between ‘One another’ and ‘the World’
Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg 17:32:002023-03-08 17:35:43The Big Three for 2023 Part 4
This week Justin talks to us about how in many ways the Christmas story has been sanitised, and if we actually look at the truth of the story, we would find it Scandalous!
Pastor Justin takes us through Daniel Chapter 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego thrown into the fire. We look at the Coercion of Conformity (3:1-7), the Courage of Conviction (3:8-23) and the Closeness of Christ (3:24-30)
The second sermon in a two-week series on Genesis 3 by Pastor Justin Tamlin.
How do you get someone to believe a lie and disobey God? You craftily entice them, seduce them, manipulate them and offer them something they think they can’t live without. You make sin look attractive and you cast doubt on God’s word and his character. That’s exactly what happened in Genesis 3. Journey back to Eden over 2 weeks as we unpack Genesis 3 and see a pathology of what went wrong with the world. We’re going to see a mirror of our own hearts in this chapter as we come to expose the “Lies that Ruined the World”. Even though we try to hide, we will find a God who seeks. In the midst of the ruin of sin, we will hear God calling: ‘Where are you?’ What will you do? Will you come out of the shadows? Will you find grace?
Part 1: “The Lies” – we will expose how temptation entices & seduces us, as we look at the Serpent’s crafty approach to Eve.
Part 2: “The Ruin” – we will survey the devastating consequences that Adam & Eve’s sin has brought upon the world; and yet if we look carefully we’ll find a seed of hope amidst the ruins.
First sermon in a two-week series on Genesis 3 by Pastor Justin Tamlin.
How do you get someone to believe a lie and disobey God? You craftily entice them, seduce them, manipulate them and offer them something they think they can’t live without. You make sin look attractive and you cast doubt on God’s word and his character. That’s exactly what happened in Genesis 3. Journey back to Eden over 2 weeks as we unpack Genesis 3 and see a pathology of what went wrong with the world. We’re going to see a mirror of our own hearts in this chapter as we come to expose the “Lies that Ruined the World”. Even though we try to hide, we will find a God who seeks. In the midst of the ruin of sin, we will hear God calling: ‘Where are you?’ What will you do? Will you come out of the shadows? Will you find grace?
Part 1: “The Lies” – we will expose how temptation entices & seduces us, as we look at the Serpent’s crafty approach to Eve.
Part 2: “The Ruin” – we will survey the devastating consequences that Adam & Eve’s sin has brought upon the world; and yet if we look carefully we’ll find a seed of hope amidst the ruins.