10:00:172020-09-10 09:09:25Longing for Home
Join us as Pastor Dave takes us through part 2 of the series, showing us what it means to Receive Jesus. As we begin 2020 we sometimes become overwhelmed at the thought of what a new year will bring. Whether we start off with positive or negative attitudes or set of circumstances, we all need to put our eyes back on God. Once again we need to Remember, to Receive and Remain in the promises of God.
Join us in a 3 part series as we journey into 2020. Sometimes we can become overwhelmed at the thought of what a new year will bring. Whether we start off with positive or negative attitudes or set of circumstances, we all need to put our eyes back on God. Once again we need to Remember, to Receive and Remain in the promises of God.
Exposing our need for repentance. Jesus’s parable about the fig tree that bears no fruit is a challenge for us to acknowledge God’s patient care for us and his desire to see us bearing fruit, while taking seriously his call to repent or perish (Luke 13:1-9). 08:50:022021-10-21 10:42:42The Fig Tree
God Alone is worthy of the affections of our hearts. What a deeply convicting and encouraging word from Psalm 16 given by Pastor Dave Myburgh. All the promises of God are yes and Amen through Jesus Christ our Lord. Nothing in this world will ever satisfy, only He alone can fill that void. If you are in Christ you have already been given the greatest treasure in all of existence, being reconciled to God. Let us not worship the gifts but rather the gift giver for our treasure is Him and Him alone. 00:00:002021-10-21 11:41:12Into The Unknown