

Message from Pastor Richard van Lieshout on the warnings against grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:25-32, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22)


Guest Pastor, Richard van Lieshout (Edenvale Baptist Church) concludes our “Model Church” series in the book of 1 Thessalonians. We explore 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 as we look at four main areas the Apostle Paul addresses with the Church of Thessalonica. These reflections look at, the leaders over us, the believers around us, the persecutors against us and the grace of Christ that is with us through it all.


Guest speaker, Pastor One Mokgatle of Rooted Fellowship takes us through part 6 of our sermon series in 1 Thessalonians. Together we look at the hope we have in Christ Jesus, a wonderful reminder that the end of our mortal lives are not the final straw. Our lives do not end with a full stop but rather for those in Christ, a comma. We wait in faith and hope for the coming of the Lord Jesus, until that day let us not be found asleep but awake and ready for our King.


In part 5 of our sermon series through 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Justin Tamlin takes us through the important subject of sexual immorality within the church body. If we are to be a people after God’s own heart then we need to subject all of our lives (even our sexuality) to His will for His glory and our good.


Join us for Part 4 of our series in the book of 1 Thessalonians. Elder Stephen Rushton takes us through the scriptures as we look at God’s work in His church.


This week in our third part of a teaching through 1 Thessalonians Pastor Justin brings an important and convicting message to the body of Christ here at RUC. We look at 6 methods or should we say motivations behind a God-built Church. The consumerist western Church culture sits not only in our everyday popular culture but creeps into the church and the motivations as to what we do and why. This consumer culture of church hinders our relationship with Christ and with one another. We find that we are not too different from the Thessalonians and need to look to Christ for the grace, strength and wisdom to live out the Gospel in our everyday lives. Not from a place of earning the love of God, no, but rather we serve because we know we are already loved in Christ by His sacrifice on the cross.


Pastor Justin takes us through Part 2 of our seven week series in the book of 1 Thessalonians. We look at the six marks that would distinguish a model church from the rest.


A journey through the Epistle of 1 Thessalonians. We see how God builds His church despite persecution, difficulty and brokenness in the context of the thriving, prominent city of Thessalonica. After having to leave the fledging Church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul sends Timothy to report on the growth and survival of the church. On Timothy’s return, Paul is overjoyed to find that the Spirit of God has renewed, protected and empowered the church despite being left leaderless under mass persecution. In this series we will see the faithfulness and sovereignty of God despite persecution, hardships and all kinds of evil.


A message from Elder, Stephen Rushton on discipleship from 1 Thessalonians.


In this sermon we talk openly and honestly about pornography and seek to apply principles from our passage to help us to beat this sensitive area.

Paul Fishbein (founder of Adult Video News) says: Porn doesn’t have a demographic it goes across all demographics.

In this message Pastor Justin unpacks some of the stats around pornography and share 5 principles from 1 Thessalonians 4 to help us to beat pornography (and indeed all sexual immorality). Towards the end of the message he seeks to show some of the serious consequences of pornography based on some research which confirms what the Scriptures teach. Greater than our sin is God ‘s grace it ‘s time to walk in the light!

The following resources are highly recommended (the free resources & ebooks were used in research this message):
Two books (available as a free download) to focus your heart on God afresh:
Desiring God by John Piper
The expulsive power of a new affection by Thomas Chalmers