

Christlike Love – Message from Pastor Richard van Lieshout on 1 John 4:7-12.

1. Love if From God

  • God has love?
  • God is only love?
  • Love is God?

2. Love is made visible in the Son

3. Love is demonstrated by God’s people


1 John 1:1-3

There is a part of our healing that can only come about when confess to one another.

  • Gospel Activation 1: Practise regular confession and repentance with God
  • Gospel Activation 2: Practise regular confession and repentance with a friend


We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:7-21)

John commands us to love one another. The way we love one another is evidence whether we are from God or not. For God is love so all love comes from him and whoever loves therefore must know God. We only love in response to God ‘s love for us. The degree to which we comprehend what God ‘s divine love is for us will be the degree to which we love one another. What is God ‘s divine love must be clearly understood.


As Christians we are not called to be gullible and naive. We are commanded to test all that we are taught and hear. For what we believe affects the way we behave which has eternal consequences. The most important thing to believe is that Jesus Christ is the son of God who has come in the flesh. This is the theological plumb line for testing whether Prophets are speaking under the influence of the spirit of God or Satan. (1 John 4:1-6)


(1 John 3:11-3:24) Many people are turned off the Gospel Christianity and the church because of the hypocrisy they see in believers. John wants to give us an holistic challenge to live as believers who truly love one another in thoughts feelings and deeds. He is going to show us four ways that brothers & sisters can relate to each other – murder hatred indifference or true biblical love.


With warmth & tenderness John reminds his readers that it is the last hour. False teachers have arisen and left the church and the existing church is feeling discouraged. These antichrists want the Father but they don ‘t want Jesus. Many today practice a kind of Christless Christianity. Join us as John encourages these believers that they have the Word and the Spirit to enable them to stand firm in the truth of the Gospel (1 John 2:18-27)


What does John mean when he says that we must not love the world or anything in the world? (1 John 2:3-17). John is warning to us to not love the world or its things. What is the essence of worldliness and how can we resist it through faith in Jesus?


Agreeing with Gods view of sin and salvation (confession) is at the core of what it means for us to walk in the light. (1 John 1:5- 2:2)