Wake up to the Past and the Future A Wake-up Call from God http://rosebank-sermons.s3.amazonaws.com/8-Wake-up_to_the_past_and_future-QS.mp3DescriptionWake up to the Past and the Future – Part 8 in our series on the book of Malachi1st July 2012| Malachi, Quent Still| Scripture: https://sermons.ruc.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Malachi_0.jpg 200 200 admin http://sermons.ruc.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/RUC-Logo-2022-Colour-Black-300x136.png admin2012-07-01 15:31:002019-06-07 10:36:25Wake up to the Past and the Future