(James 5:13-18) 1.PRAYER IS FOR ALL OCCASIONS (vv13-16a) It ‘s for when you ‘re in trouble (v13a) It ‘s for when you ‘re happy (v13b) It ‘s for when you ‘re sick (vv14-15) It ‘s for when you ‘re struggling with sin (v16a) 2.PRAYER WORKS (v16b) 3.PRAYER IS FOR ORDINARY PEOPLE (vv17-18)
https://sermons.ruc.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/live-loud.jpg11341134adminhttp://sermons.ruc.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/RUC-Logo-2022-Colour-Black-300x136.pngadmin2013-08-18 18:30:002019-06-07 10:45:53Living a Life of Prayer
Driving in heavy traffic waiting in queues dealing with my spouse ‘s shortcomings waiting to have sex till we are married remaining steadfast under persecution . all of these require the Christian characteristic of patience. James helps us to see the value of developing an attitude and life-style characterised by patience. (James 5:7-12)
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James warning against rich oppressors is a sobering reminder of our call to live with costly compassion in the world (James 5:1-6) THE CONDUCT OF THE RICH Hoarding (vv2-3) Injustice (v4) Self-indulgence (v5) Oppression (v6)
THE CONDEMNATION OF THE RICH The certainty of judgement (vv1 3 4) The severity of judgement (vv1 3 5) The Agent of judgement (v4)
Nigel Branken & Family This sermon audio includes a testimony from Nigel Branken. He and his wife Trish were compelled by their faith and reading of scripture to move with their family into a two-bedroomed apartment in Hillbrow – a notoriously dangerous and neglected part of the city of Johannesburg. We are a rather ordinary family doing some extraordinary things. We believe as Christians that God is extremely concerned with the brokeness in our city and nation and that He has called each one of us to get involved in making a difference. To bring change we need to see the future prepare for the future and then become the future or in the words of Ghandi we must become the change we want to see in the world. Nigel Branken
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The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving considerate submissive full of mercy and good fruit impartial and sincere. (James 3:13-18)
Words have tremendous power to lift people up or to tear them down. James challenges us to tame the tongue. (James 3:1-12) Dr Des Henry is the Christian Missions Lecturer at the Baptist Theological College.
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(James 1:19-27) How do you know if you ‘ve been doodling in your spiritual life? James is going to challenge us to be good listeners and good doers. In our application of this passage we want to answer the question: why don ‘t we apply God ‘s Word? Could one of these reasons lie at the heart of your doodling. I also want to give you some practical resources to help to apply God ‘s Word to your daily life.
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