
What if you only had 40 days left to live? What does it mean to live the resurrection life for Jesus? (Acts 1:3)
Jesus expressed his love to those who were close to him
He healed broken relationships
He left us a memory box
He paid our debts
He spoke about the kingdom

Terry Rae is a former Senior Pastor of Rosebank Union Church. Terry is a passionate preacher of God ‘s Word and has years of experience investing in the lives of all types of people. He is the Director of Africa for Christ and has been involved in planting churches throughout the African Continent. When Terry is not travelling somewhere in the world he lives with his wife Veronica in Pennington.


1 Corinthians 15:12-18 – What if Christ had not been raised from the dead?

Terry Rae is a former Senior Pastor of Rosebank Union Church. Terry is a passionate preacher of God ‘s Word and has years of experience investing in the lives of all types of people. He is the Director of Africa for Christ and has been involved in planting churches throughout the African Continent. When Terry is not somewhere in the world he lives with his wife Veronica in Pennington.


Jesus suffering for us and our suffering with him. (1 Peter 2:20-25)

Terry Rae is a former Senior Pastor of Rosebank Union Church. Terry is a passionate preacher of God ‘s Word and has years of experience investing in the lives of all types of people. He is the Director of Africa for Christ and has been involved in planting churches throughout the African Continent. When Terry is not somewhere in the world he lives with his wife Veronica in Pennington.


On this Palm Sunday I want to show you two photographs of two moments frozen in time. You ‘re going to wonder how these two snapshots can live so comfortably side by side on the coffee table of your living space. Every single disciple is somewhere between these two photographs either moving to the right or moving to the left. Allow God to use these two photographs to prepare your heart as we enter this holy week of Easter. Trust Christ afresh as you journey with Him from Palm Sunday on to Easter Thursday and Friday and then to the hardest place of all for a disciple Easter Saturday!