Richard looks at Christ's description of judgement day as He calls all that have lived before Him and separates them ...

Richard delves into another parable as Jesus teaches on how we are to steward our talents as faithful servants. He ...

Zwai discusses how we are to remain wise and vigilant as we stay in anticipation of the coming of Christ ...

Richard continues to dive into the intricacies of Jesus' teachings on end times, the abomination of desolation and all the ...

Richard dives into the intricacies of Jesus' teachings on end times, the abomination of desolation and all the associated carnage, ...

Christ offers a stark warning over the trials that believers will face as the end times draw near and advises ...

As Jesus closes out the woe oracles He aims straight for the heart, particularly the hard ones, and while critical ...

In a set of scathing remarks that mark a direct opposite to the earlier beatitudes Jesus highlights the folly and ...

In a final attempt from the pharisees to ensare Jesus in His words there is a debate around the Godhood ...

As tensions continue to rise between Christ and the pharisees another confrontation occurs, Brett breaks down this latest meeting for ...

Richard dives into an interaction that occurs between Jesus and the pharisees surrounding the topic of taxes while looking at ...

In this sermon, Richard discusses two parables from Matthew 21 & 22, focusing on the Vineyard metaphor and the religious ...

Jesus enters Jerusalem and the temple to be met by another in an escalating set of encounters with the religious ...

Richard leads us through the triumphant and ceremonious but also unexpected arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem and a number of ...

Brett dives into how Jesus illustrates the reversal of the roles within His Kingdom in anticipation of His entry into ...

Jesus continues the theme of firsts and lasts that he left off on as He leads the disciples through a ...

The rich ruler seeks Jesus to understand how he may enter into heaven, however, the response proves to be too ...

In another confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders that has a callback to the sermon on the mount teachings ...