

Jesus expands upon his previous teachings around the topic of forgiveness by establishing the importance of forgiveness through its impact on us as both forgiven and forgiver as well as how that affects those around us.


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Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Another encounter between Jesus and the pharisees and sadducees becomes heated as the unlikely allies request a sign which is met by strong rebuttal from Jesus. In the aftermath of the encounter the disciples also receive a stern warning against becoming misguided by false teachers.


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


How much is too much? At what point can we ask God to bear our load? All important questions to understand the answers for. Today we look at this promise from Jesus and how it looks for our lives


Get your Personal Study Guide to go with the series:

Plan a visit to Rosebank Union Church in Sandton, Johannesburg


Pastor Ndaba opens up 1 Peter 1 to talk to us about the challenge that is before us, saying it is not just enough to know this verse, it is a hinge, a turning point. The verse moves us from beliefs to behavior that must change. How then shall we live out our time in a hostile and Dark World?

(1 Peter 1:13-16)


The cost of following Jesus – 5 Dangerous Things every believer should do (Matthew 16: 21-25)