One-off sermons by our church Pastors & staff


Tim Chester comes to encourage us to enjoy God. He explains that we have a God who hears, a God who cares and a God who keeps us.

“The greatest sorrow and burden you can lay on the Father, the greatest unkindness you can do to him is not to believe that he loves you.” ― John Owen


Church is better together, If you are in Joburg then please join us in-person.

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Pastor Ndaba opens up 1 Peter 1 to talk to us about the challenge that is before us, saying it is not just enough to know this verse, it is a hinge, a turning point. The verse moves us from beliefs to behavior that must change. How then shall we live out our time in a hostile and Dark World?

(1 Peter 1:13-16)


On New Years Day, Brett talks to us about how God stays the same, but we need to think of how our faith needs constant work and if we pull away for a while little, bugs, potentially sin, creeps in without us even noticing.


As we celebrate Jesus coming to earth as a man, Richard takes a look at just one verse to investigate the genesis of Chrismas…

(Matthew 1:1)


Bradley Jones from JBay Baptist Church speaks to us about the Goodness of god, thinking about why we trust in God.

The Scandal of Christmas


This week Justin talks to us about how in many ways the Christmas story has been sanitised, and if we actually look at the truth of the story, we would find it Scandalous!

(John 1:1-14)


Jeff Viljoen gives us an update on Campus Outreach and opens up the scriptures to talk about Labourers for the Harvest

(Matthew 9:35-38)


Nat Schluter from the Johannesburg Bible College talks to us from Luke 17 about the 10 lepers, helping us to live a life of gratitude.

For More information about the Johannesburg Bible College:

(Luke 17:11-19)


Pastor Brett talks to us about his experience with Red Frogs and how we are called to be ambassadors for Christ.

(2 Corinthians 5:17-21)


Richard takes us through something of an epilogue to the Daniel series, looking at a passage in 1 Peter.

(1 Peter 1:1-12)