Ancient principles for the abundant life


The spiritual discipline of keeping a journal for the purpose of remembering what God has done and learning more about what He continues to do in our lives (Deuteronomy 8:11)


The spiritual discipline of journaling (recording) God ‘s interventions in our lives assists us in remembering what He has done and learning more about what He continues to do in our lives. The Bible is full of such recording happening in writing symbolism and rituals to remind us of God ‘s great acts of mercy. (Exodus 13:2-10; 15:1-5)


Week 7 in the Rooted series on spiritual disciplines. Focus on the spiritual disciplines of fasting solitude and silence (various scriptures)


Seeking God ‘s Face through the spiritual disciplines of fasting solitude & silence (Matthew 6 & various scriptures)


Week 7 in the Rooted series on spiritual disciplines. Focus on stewarding the resources God has given us for the purpose of our growth in godliness and joy.


Week 7 in the Rooted series on spiritual disciplines. Focus on the discipline of stewarding the time and money that Gods has given us (Matthew 6: 20 – 21)


Week 6 in the Rooted series on spiritual disciplines. Focus on the account of Pentecost in Acts 1-2 and the connection between the outpouring and empowering of the Holy Spirit with boldness and courage in evangelism.


Week 6 in the Rooted series on the spiritual disciplines. Focus on Evangelism using various passages from the book of Acts.


We were made to worship – Jesus alone can satisfy our thirsts & desires (John 4:1-26 ; Luke 10:38-42)


Week 4 in our Rooted series on the Spiritual Disciplines. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Service flows out of worship. We need to be open to divine interruptions in our lives through which God gives us opportunities to serve.